Jujutsu Kaisen Season1 Episode17 Synopsis & Scene Images Released
The synopsis and preview images for Episode 17 of the anime Jujutsu Kaisen, currently airing in the “Super Animeism” slot on MBS/TBS, have been released.
Jujutsu Kaisen Episode17 Synopsis
Episode 17, "Kyoto Sister School Exchange Event - Group Battle 3," airing on the 5th, features a battle between Maki and Miwa. Miwa is shocked by Maki's overwhelming strength, which doesn't reflect her grade. Meanwhile, Nobara chases Nishimiya, who is flying around on a broom. Nobara cuts down Nishimiya, who speaks of Mai's struggles and what it means to live as a female Jujutsu Sorcerer, and quickly goes on the counterattack. And what about Mai, who remains out of sight...?
Jujutsu Kaisen is based on the manga of the same name serialized in Weekly Shonen Jump (Shueisha). The story follows high school student Yuji Itadori, who is drawn into a world of battles over curses after the seal on a powerful "cursed object" is broken. The series has surpassed 20 million copies in circulation.