Jujutsu Kaisen Season1 Episode4 Synopsis & Scene Images Released
Scene cuts from Episode 4 of the anime Jujutsu Kaisen, currently airing on the "Super Animeism" slot on MBS/TBS, have been released in advance.
Jujutsu Kaisen Episode4 Synopsis
Episode 4, titled "Cursed Womb Must Die," follows Itadori, Fushiguro, and Kugisaki as they are dispatched to a juvenile detention center where an emergency has occurred. Their mission is to verify the existence of and rescue survivors left behind with a cursed womb, which has the potential to become a Special Grade Curse Spirit. As they enter the facility, they are confronted with a harsh reality—Kugisaki disappears, and standing beside the remaining Itadori and Fushiguro is a Special Grade Curse Spirit...
The anime is based on the manga of the same name, serialized in Weekly Shonen Jump (Shueisha). The story follows high school student Yuji Itadori as he gets drawn into a dark fantasy world of battles over curses after a powerful cursed object is unsealed. The series has surpassed 8.5 million copies in circulation.