• Jogo in Jujutsu kaisen (JJK): Complete Profile Guide
Japan Anime News Edit by Satoru Shoji

Jogo in Jujutsu kaisen (JJK): Complete Profile Guide


Jogo via JJK EP5 ©Gege Akutami / Shueisha, Jujutsu Kaisen Production Committee

See more Jogo's Images

This article provides an in-depth explanation of Jogo a character from Jujutsu kaisen. It includes details about his abilities, past episodes, and images of his appearances in the anime.

What is the Anime Jujutsu Kaisen Where Jogo Appears?

Jujutsu kaisen Shibuya Incident Teaser Visual

Jujutsu kaisen Shibuya Incident Teaser Visual ©Gege Akutami / Shueisha, Jujutsu Kaisen Production Committee

Jujutsu Kaisen (呪術廻戦) is a dark fantasy series that began serialization in Weekly Shonen Jump in March 2018. The story follows Yuji Itadori, a high schooler who enters a world of curses and sorcery after unsealing a powerful “Cursed Object.” The series concluded in September 2024.

The Jujutsu Kaisen manga has surpassed 100 million copies in circulation. The anime adaptation aired its first season from October 2020 to March 2021, becoming a massive hit. The success continued with the theatrical release of Jujutsu Kaisen 0 in December 2021 and the highly acclaimed Season 2 airing from July to December 2023. Fans can also look forward to the production of Jujutsu Kaisen: The Culling Game Arc.

jogo's Official Plofile


Jogo via JJK EP32 ©Gege Akutami / Shueisha, Jujutsu Kaisen Production Committee

Name: Jogo
Grade: Special Grade Cursed Spirit
Origin: Earth (Volcanic Energy)
Hobbies/Interests: Collecting cursed tools
Dislikes: Humans, especially Satoru Gojo
Innate Cursed Technique: Manipulation of Flames and Lava (unnamed)
Domain Expansion: Coffin of the Iron Mountain (Gaikan Tecchisen*, 蓋棺鉄囲山)

Source: Official Jujutsu Kaisen Fanbook, bonus pages from the manga volumes

Overview of Jogo


Jogo via JJK EP7 ©Gege Akutami / Shueisha, Jujutsu Kaisen Production Committee

Jogo is a powerful Special Grade Cursed Spirit born from the negative emotions tied to Earth's volcanic energy. He wields immense power through his flame- and lava-based cursed techniques, making him a formidable adversary. His abilities include creating mini-volcanoes and producing devastating fire eruptions capable of obliterating entire surroundings.

Despite his overwhelming strength, Jogo's pride and hatred for humans often cloud his judgment. He strongly believes cursed spirits represent humanity's true nature, with raw, unfiltered emotions like hatred and despair, unlike what he perceives as the "false" and feigned positivity of humans. This ideology drives his deep-seated animosity toward humanity and his ultimate desire for their extermination.

Jogo’s Abilities


Jogo via JJK EP40 ©Gege Akutami / Shueisha, Jujutsu Kaisen Production Committee

■Fire and Lava Manipulation
Jogo possesses a powerful technique that allows him to generate flames, magma, and explosive attacks, as well as manifest volcanic rocks. He can transform walls and the ground into volcanic craters, launching sudden eruptions as attacks. He is also capable of emitting flames from his fists. During his battle with Sukuna, Jogo demonstrated his immense power by unleashing wide-range attacks and using magma-based techniques to fight at an extraordinary level.

In the Shibuya Incident, Jogo's strength became evident. After overwhelming Nanami, Maki Zenin, and Naobito Zenin, who had escaped Dagon's domain, he faced Sukuna in a battle that devastated Shibuya. The fight was intense, showcasing Jogo's formidable abilities.

According to the series' creator, Gege Akutami, "In the Shibuya Incident, only Jogo could handle a Sukuna with 15 fingers. However, if Jogo were to run amok for too long, it would cause too much trouble, so Sukuna had to take him down."

■Domain Expansion: Coffin of the Iron Mountain (Gaikan Tecchisen, 蓋棺鉄囲山)
Jogo's Domain Expansion creates a deadly space resembling the interior of a volcano. His domain's high temperatures ensure that any average sorcerer entering it is instantly incinerated. Jogo's domain is marked by his hand sign, resembling the mudra of Daikokuten (a deity of fortune).

Within this domain, Jogo can use his Maximum Technique: Meteor (Goku no Ban: In, 極ノ番・隕). The domain ensures all of Jogo's attacks are guaranteed to hit, making it a highly formidable technique. However, when he faced Satoru Gojo, the domain was overwritten by Gojo's Unlimited Void (Muryōkūsho, 無量空処), nullifying its effects.

jogo’s Key Scenes in the Anime


Jogo via JJK EP6 ©Gege Akutami / Shueisha, Jujutsu Kaisen Production Committee

■Anime Season1
Jogo first appears in the anime attacking Satoru Gojo while Gojo is traveling by car. However, Jogo is quickly overpowered. Despite his defeat, his intelligence and immense cursed energy leave a strong impression, marking him as a formidable adversary.

Later, in Episode 6, Jogo is seen visiting a family restaurant with Suguru Geto and the cursed spirits. During their discussion, when he hears about the use of the Prison Realm (Gokumonkyō), Jogo becomes so excited that he incinerates all the restaurant staff and customers into ashes in an instant.

Choso & Jogo

Choso & Jogo via JJK EP6 ©Gege Akutami / Shueisha, Jujutsu Kaisen Production Committee

■Shibuya Incident
Jogo plays a critical role in the Shibuya Incident. Alongside Hanami and Choso, he lies in wait for Satoru Gojo at the Tokyo Metro Shibuya Station platform. As soon as Gojo arrives, the battle begins. Amid the chaos caused by Geto's appearance, they successfully seal Gojo in the Prison Realm (Gokumonkyō).

Jogo further demonstrates his power by defeating three top-tier sorcerers—Kento Nanami, Maki Zenin, and Naobito Zenin—who had escaped from Dagon’s domain.
Later during the Shibuya Incident, Jogo senses the presence of Sukuna's fingers and discovers a near-dead Yuji Itadori. He force-feeds Yuji 10 of the cursed fingers he was carrying, awakening Sukuna, who seizes control of Yuji’s body.

Jogo and the other cursed spirits attempt to recruit the King of Curses, Sukuna, to their side. Sukuna proposes, "If you can land even one hit on me, I’ll work under the cursed spirits." However, the battle that follows utterly destroys the Shibuya area. As expected, Sukuna dominates the fight, making it clear that he is vastly superior.

Jogo and Sukuna’s battle is so intense that it leaves Shibuya in ruins. Despite showing immense power, Jogo fails to land a single blow on Sukuna. Ultimately, Jogo is defeated and burned alive. In his final moments, Sukuna speaks to Jogo, saying, "Be proud. You are strong." Jogo’s eyes fill with something resembling tears as he hears these words, marking an emotional end to his character arc.

Jujutsu Kaisen Characters List

■Tokyo Prefectural Jujutsu High School
Yuji Itadori (虎杖悠仁, いたどり ゆうじ)
Megumi Fushiguro (伏黒恵, ふしぐろ めぐみ)
Nobara Kugisaki (釘崎野薔薇, くぎさき のばら)
Satoru Gojo (五条悟, ごじょう さとる)

Maki Zenin (禪院真希, ぜんいん まき)
Toge Inumaki (狗巻棘, いぬまき とげ)
Panda (パンダ, ぱんだ)
Yuta Okkotsu (乙骨憂太, おっこつ ゆうた)

Kinji Hakari (秤金次, はかり きんじ)
Kirara Hoshi (星綺羅羅, ほし きらら)

Shoko Ieiri (家入硝子, いえいり しょうこ)
Masamichi Yaga (夜蛾正道, やが まさみち)
Atsuya Kusakabe (日下部篤也, くさかべ あつや)
Kiyotaka Ijichi (伊地知潔高, いじち きよたか)
Akari Nitta (新田明, にった あかり)

■Special Grade Cursed Object / Incarnated Body
Sukuna Ryomen (両面宿儺, りょうめん すくな)

Choso (脹相, ちょうそう)
Eso (壊相, えそう)
Kechizu (血塗, けちず)

■Kyoto Prefectural Jujutsu High School
Aoi Todo (東堂葵, とうどう あおい)
Noritoshi Kamo (加茂憲紀, かも のりとし)
Momo Nishimiya (西宮桃, にしみや もも)
Mai Zenin (禪院真依, ぜんいん まい)
Ultimate Mekamaru (究極メカ丸, あるてぃめっと めかまる)
Kasumi Miwa (三輪霞, みわ かすみ)
Arata Nitta (新田新, にった あらた)

Yoshinobu Gakuganji (楽巌寺嘉伸, がくがんじ よしのぶ)
Utahime Iori (庵歌姫, いおり うたひめ)

■Jujutsu Sorcerers
Kento Nanami (七海建人, ななみ けんと)
Takuma Ino (猪野琢真, いの たくま)

Mei Mei (冥冥, めいめい)
Ui Ui (憂憂, ういうい)

Yuki Tsukumo (九十九由基, つくも ゆき)
Tengen (天元, てんげん)

Naobito Zenin (禪院直毘人, ぜんいん なおびと)
Naoya Zenin (禪院直哉, ぜんいん なおや)
Ogi Zenin (禪院扇, ぜんいん おうぎ)
Jinichi Zenin (禪院甚壱, ぜんいん じんいち)

■Curse Users
Suguru Geto (夏油傑, げとう すぐる)
Uraume (裏梅, うらうめ)
Ogami (オガミ婆, おがみばば)
Mago (オガミ婆の孫, おがみばばのまご)
Jiro Awasaka (粟坂二良, あわさか じろう)
Haruta Shigemo (重面春太, しげも はるた)

■Cursed Spirits
Mahito (真人, まひと)
Jogo (漏瑚, じょうご)
Hanami (花御, はなみ)
Dagon (陀艮, だごん)
Locust Guy (蝗GUY, こうがい)

Rika Orimoto (折本里香, おりもと りか)

■Hidden Inventory / Premature Death
Riko Amanai (天内理子, あまない りこ)
Misato Kuroi (黒井美里, くろいみさと)
Shiu Kong (孔時雨, こん しう)
Yu Haibara (灰原雄, はいばら ゆう)

■Suguru Geto's Group
Larue (ラルゥ, らるぅ)
Manami Suda (菅田真奈美, すだ まなみ)
Toshihisa Negi (祢木利久, ねぎ としひさ)
Mimiko Hasaba (枷場美々子, はさば みみこ)
Nanako Hasaba (枷場菜々子, はさば ななこ)
Miguel Oduor (ミゲル・オドゥオール, みげる おどぅおーる)

■Culling Game Players
Tsumiki Fushiguro (伏黒津美紀, ふしぐろ つみき)
Hiromi Higuruma (日車寛見, ひぐるま ひろみ)
Fumihiko Takaba (髙羽史彦, たかば ふみひこ)
Reggie Star (レジィ・スター, れじぃ すたー)
Hana Kurusu (来栖華, くるす はな)
Ryu Ishigoori (石流龍, いしごおり りゅう)
Takako Uro (烏鷺亨子, うろ たかこ)
Hagane Daido (大道鋼, だいどう はがね)

■Other characters
Toji Fushiguro (伏黒甚爾, ふしぐろ とうじ)
Wasuke Itadori (虎杖倭助, いたどり わすけ)
Junpei Yoshino (吉野順平, よしの じゅんぺい)
Yuko Ozawa (小沢優子, おざわ ゆうこ)

Source : Jujutsu kaisen Official

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