Special Movie Featuring Theme Song for the Film "Kimi no Iro" Released
The latest original feature-length animated film by director Naoko Yamada, known for her work on K-On! The Movie (2011) and A Silent Voice (2016), titled Kimi no Iro (The Colors Within), has unveiled a special movie featuring the theme song "in the pocket" by Mr.Children. Along with this, it has been announced that the film will also be released in IMAX, and an exclusive visual has been revealed.
The story follows high school student Totsuko, a girl named Kimi who attended the same school, and Rui, a music-loving boy they meet in a small bookstore on the outskirts of town. The three form a band, each dealing with their own unspoken worries, but they connect with each other through music.
The theme song, "in the pocket," begins with the sound of bells ringing in the prelude. Kensuke Ushio, who served as the music director for the film, participated in the arrangement of the song. Totsuko sees people in "colors," Kimi hasn't told her family that she has stopped attending school, and Rui, expected by his mother to become a doctor, secretly engages in music activities.
The film beautifully depicts the moment when these three characters, each harboring their own unspeakable worries, meet at a small bookstore in town and decide to form a band. The lyrics of the song evoke the slightly unstable period of being 17 years old, when one feels vague anxiety about the future. The visuals, combined with the lyrics, create an emotional and evocative experience. The movie raises anticipation about how the three characters will grow through their experiences with music.