When Will Mashin Souzou Den Wataru Air? New Anime Launches 2025 After 27-Year Hiatus!
The latest installment in the beloved Wataru anime series, titled "Mashin Souzou Den Wataru", is set to air on January 12, 2025, at 5:30 PM JST on TV Tokyo. This marks the first Wataru TV series in 27 years, following the broadcast of Cho Mashin Eiyuuden Wataru in 1997-98. Fans are already excited with the release of new visuals and the opening theme "POP UP!" by lol (エルオーエル), promising an energetic start to the series.
A Modern Take on a Classic Adventure
Building on the legacy of the original Mashin Eiyuuden Wataru (1988), Mashin Souzou Den Wataru brings back its essence with a fresh twist. This time, fourth grader Hoshibe Wataru, the young hero, is an aspiring "Ryoutuber" (video creator), setting out with his trusty mecha, Ryujinmaru, to a block-filled fantasy world to defeat the villainous "Enjoda" and bring joy back to the people. As in the classic series, Wataru's journey in Mashin Souzou Den Wataru revolves around adventure and heroic battles with the help of new friends and allies.
A Legacy of Adventures Through the Decades
Wataru debuted in 1988, quickly becoming a hit with its unique combination of adventure, fantasy, and humor. With sequels like Mashin Eiyuuden Wataru 2 in 1990 and Cho Mashin Eiyuuden Wataru in 1997, the story of Wataru’s heroic battles in the mysterious world of "Shinbukai" captured the imaginations of viewers. The protagonist, Wataru, a cheerful fourth grader, journeys to the alternate world of Shinbukai, where he and his allies work to free the land from the evil Doakuder’s grip.
In 2020, a new web anime, Mashin Eiyuuden Wataru: Nana Tamashii no Ryujinmaru, streamed on YouTube, bringing back excitement for Wataru fans with a fresh storyline. Due to its success, a special theatrical version Mashin Eiyuuden Wataru: Nana Tamashii no Ryujinmaru – Saikai featuring additional footage was released in 2022, further boosting the series' popularity.
What to Expect from Mashin Souzou Den Wataru
Wataru’s new journey begins as he finds himself in Chuubukai, an outrageous parallel world populated by troublesome creatures causing chaos for its inhabitants. As the new hero, Wataru teams up with the magical mecha Ryujinmaru to fight against Enjoda and restore peace. This updated plot introduces streaming and content creation culture, giving the classic series a contemporary appeal while staying true to its adventure roots.
Cast and Music
The opening theme "POP UP!" by lol brings a lively and uplifting atmosphere to the series. Group member Moca expressed excitement for being a part of such a long-standing franchise, hoping fans enjoy both the song and the series itself.
Main Cast
Hoshibe Wataru: Mutsumi Tamura
Tenbu Kakeru: Atsumi Tanezaki
Gofura-in: Katsuyuki Konishi
Maro: Megumi Umezawa
Ryunryun: Rie Kugimiya
Ryujinmaru: Tomokazu Sugita
Excitement Builds for Wataru’s Long-Awaited Return!
Fans of all ages can look forward to this adventure that combines the nostalgic charm of Wataru with fresh storytelling for a new generation. Don’t miss Mashin Souzou Den Wataru on January 12, 2025!