Finals of the Pokémon Card Tournament, Dramatic Victory Sparks Buzz: Historic Lucky Draw. The match concludes with "Iron hands ex" delivering a resounding finish
The finals of the "Champions League 2024 Sapporo" Pokémon Card Tournament were held on May 4th at Sapporo Dome, where Akira Kurasaki faced Ryusho Sasamura. Kurasaki won with a dramatic victory.
Iron Hands ex
In the finals, Kurasaki used a deck centered around "Miraidon ex," while Sasamura used a deck centered around "Gardevoir ex."
During the early stages, Kurasaki, who went first, could not play any Electric Pokémon and was forced to reluctantly discard his key card, "Electro Generator." Meanwhile, Sasamura played meticulously, establishing a solid position on the field.
The battle shifted on Kurasaki’s third turn when he used "Iron Hands ex" to take two of Sasamura's prize cards. Sasamura responded by knocking out "Iron Hands ex," making the prize count even at 4-4. The back-and-forth continued, with both players taking and losing prize cards, leading to a 2-2 prize count in the final stages.
In the end, while Sasamura had set up his field, Kurasaki needed to play "Iron Hands ex" and draw two Lightning energies with "Electro Generator," along with a "Boss’s Orders" and a "Double Turbo Energy" to win.
First, he successfully drew two "Lightning energy", exciting the crowd with cheers. Then, lacking "Boss’s Orders" and "Double Turbo Energy" in his hand, he used the ability of "Shining Greninja" to draw two cards from his deck and miraculously pulled "Boss’s Orders" and "Double Turbo Energy," enabling the use of "Iron Hands ex" move "Amp You Very Much" for a dramatic victory that concluded the finals.
The event was also live-streamed on YouTube, where viewers expressed their amazement with comments like, "That was a historic final!," "Everyone's lucky to have seen such a match," "I learned the importance of never giving up," "It's like something out of a protagonist's story!" and "I got goosebumps!"
During the winner's interview, the victor was moved to tears, remarking, "I think it was almost an impossible chance, but it's unbelievable."