Kenjiro Tsuda on Acting in Both Live-Action and Anime: "No Need for Major Differences" – Playing the Same Role in Trillion Game
Kenjiro Tsuda (53) has been officially interviewed regarding his role as Kunugi in the Trillion Game TV anime's second cour. Tsuda, who also plays Kunugi in the upcoming Trillion Game movie releasing on February 14, shared insights into portraying the same character in both live-action and anime.
Kenjiro Tsuda
"I Was Grateful to Play the Same Role in Both Adaptations"
— You are reprising your role as Kunugi in the Trillion Game TV anime after performing the same character in the live-action series. How did you feel when you were cast for both?
Tsuda: Since I already played Kunugi in the live-action version, I was genuinely grateful to have the opportunity to continue portraying him in the TV anime as well.
— How would you describe Kunugi as a character?
Tsuda: He’s the type who’s always talking about "numbers, numbers," but deep down, he has a very sincere and passionate side. That contrast is what makes him truly compelling.
— Was it easy to grasp his character?
Tsuda: It wasn’t necessarily easy, but Kunugi isn’t the type to overcomplicate things. He has a simple and straightforward way of thinking, which made it relatively easier to understand his character.
— Did you find any aspects of Kunugi relatable or aspirational?
Tsuda: Unlike Kunugi, I’m not someone who can completely separate emotions from work, but I do understand his passion for his job very well. His constant struggle within a structured system—trying to achieve his own goals while navigating the conditions set for him—is something I can deeply relate to. In that sense, I find Kunugi to be very mature and admirable.
"There’s No Need to Change My Acting Between Live-Action and Anime"
— Would you say that acting, whether in live-action or voice-over, shares similarities in how you work within the given script and direction?
Tsuda: I wouldn’t say they are exactly the same (laughs), but there might be some overlapping aspects.
— Did you change anything in your performance between the live-action and anime versions of Kunugi?
Tsuda: No, I didn’t consciously adjust anything. Naturally, the visual presentation differs between live-action and anime, but I didn’t make any special considerations for that. I simply approached the anime version the same way I usually do for animated roles.
— Is there a significant difference between performing the same role in live-action, where you use your entire body, and in anime, where you act solely through voice?
Tsuda: Not really. In anime, of course, there’s the technical necessity of syncing with the character’s lip movements, but beyond that, I don’t feel the need to drastically alter my acting. Even in voice-over work, I use my entire body while performing, so the two mediums aren’t fundamentally different for me.