Manga Artist Tetsuya Chiba, Known for "Ashita no Joe," Undergoes Eye Surgery, Announces Temporary Break from Work
Manga artist Tetsuya Chiba (85) , Known for "Ashita no Joe," updated his blog on the 30th to report that he underwent cataract surgery on his left eye. During the surgery, the surface lens of his left eye was removed. However, since the membrane surrounding the lens was severely damaged, the insertion of an artificial lens will be postponed until a follow-up surgery after the inflammation subsides.
Chiba declared, "For a while, it seems I won't be able to draw manga," announcing his temporary hiatus. However, he expressed his intention to resume drawing his 'Hinemosu Nikki' after recovery, while also enjoying his hobbies, such as golf, tennis, and baseball. He also reassured his fans, saying, "I'm generally in good health, so please don't worry!"
Chiba humorously added, "It's summer vacation from now on!" expressing his positive outlook post-surgery. He also conveyed his prayers for the quick recovery of areas affected by typhoons and floods. While expressing gratitude to his readers, he announced his temporary hiatus.