Drama "ONE PIECE" dubbed by the same voice actors as the anime, Mayumi Tanaka, Kazuya Nakai, Akemi Okamura, Kappei Yamaguchi, and Hiroaki Hirata for the Straw Hat gang
New information about the live-action drama "ONE PIECE" (available on Netflix from August 31) has been announced.
The dubbed voice actors have been announced, and it was announced that Mayumi Tanaka, who has played Luffy up to the present, will play Luffy, as well as Kazuya Nakai as Zoro, Akemi Okamura as Nami, Katsupei Yamaguchi as Usopp, and Hiroaki Hirata as Sanji, as in the anime version.
The story takes place during the age of the great pirates. Luffy, a boy who yearns for the great pirate, the red-haired Shanks (played by Peter Gadiot), promises to meet Shanks again at sea.
Years later, the grown-up Luffy (played by Inaki Godoy), with an unshakable dream, sets out for the ocean to become a pirate king!
During his unpredictable adventures, Luffy meets Zoro (played by Mackenyu Arata), Nami (played by Emily Rudd), Usopp (played by Jacob Romero Gibson), Sanji (played by Taz Skyler), and other friends.
Tanaka commented on his dubbed appearance, "I have been playing Luffy for more than 23 years now, and I think everyone has a Luffy in their heart. Inaki-kun in the live-action version is amusing and funny, and he really fits Luffy perfectly! I am very happy to be able to voice Luffy in the live-action version as well." He commented.
The world of the live-action version of ONE PIECE is beyond my imagination, and I am very excited about it" (Okamura, playing Nami), "The spirit that runs through the film is the world that everyone wants to see! We have created a live-action version that is absolutely hilarious! (Yamaguchi/Usopp), "Dear ladies, please let Taz's cool smile get the best of you!" (Hirata/Sanji ).