[UE5 Anime] Mobile Suit Gundam: Requiem of Vengeance" Premieres October 17 - New MS Revealed in Trailer
The new original animation "Mobile Suit Gundam: Requiem of Vengeance," set during the One Year War in Europe, the stage of the first Gundam series "Mobile Suit Gundam" (1979), will be exclusively available worldwide on Netflix from October 17.
The main visual and trailer have been released. The story begins 11 months after the outbreak of the One Year War in Universal Century 0079, featuring intense battle scenes as the Red Wolf team's Zaku II confronts the "White Devil." The trailer also reveals familiar Mobile Suits like Gouf and Zaku Tank, as well as the new appearances of GM and Guntank. Additionally, a new Mobile Suit piloted by Solari makes its debut, with the trailer highlighting her resolute lines.
The newly unveiled setting art showcases the main visual and the new Mobile Suit "Unmarked Zaku II (Solari's unit)" piloted by the protagonist, Solari. Various characters and Mobile Suits also appear in the main visual and trailer. "Requiem of Vengeance" is set on the European front during the One Year War and utilizes the 3D tool "Unreal Engine 5." The series will consist of six episodes, each approximately 30 minutes long.